

MOCK Tests

  • Comprehension
  • Mathematics
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning

St. Olave's Parents' Association

All parents of the School are automatically members of the PA, and we hope that many of you will wish to actively support our work, participate in our events and contribute financially to PA funds. Please look out for forthcoming PA events and functions.

We would very much like to invite you to come along to committee meetings and get involved with the activities of the PA. Also if you would be prepared to help out occasionally (one or two times a year) with refreshments at School functions, or on Saturday morning for Rugby Refreshments, please contact us.

The role of the Parents' Association includes:

  • The organisation of fund raising activities to support the school in the provision of facilities and equipment (not provided by statutory funds) for the benefit of the school.
  • The organisation of social functions to promote relations between parents and between parents and others associated with the school, and to contribute to fund raising.
  • To co-ordinate provision of refreshments and support for School activities and meetings including school concerts and functions, parents evenings etc.
  • To co-ordinate the arrangements for collection and return of lost property within the school.Other activities to support school activities in consultation with the School.
  • Please note that the Mock Tests are organised and run exclusively by the St. Olave’s Parents’ Association. Therefore, please direct any queries to the PA at olaves.mocktests@gmail.com and not to the School.